English Language and Literature for Children

Año académico 2014-2015
29334English Language and Literature for Children31OPCatalina Ribas Segura, PhD


Nombre de Módulo Linguistic Area
Materia English Language and Literature for Children
Asignatura English Language and Literature for Children
Código 29334 Tipo OP
Créditos 3
Curso 3rd
Semestre 1
Grupo (mañana/tarde) Morning/ Evening


Nombre Catalina Ribas Segura, PhD

CV del profesor

Departamento Language Department
Correo electrónico [email protected]
Horas de tutoría The tutorial schedule will be provided at the beginning of the course
Despacho 8
Lengua en la que se impartirá la materia/asignatura English
Uso docente de otras lenguas



Justificación en el plan de estudios

English Language and Literature for Children provides students with teaching strategies and resources for teaching English as a Second Language in Pre-school and Primary Education.

Descripción del módulo en el que se ubica la materia / asignatura

Module 5. Linguistic Area. Learning the Language and Literacy
This module includes Catalan, Spanish and English and is fully justified for some reasons which are in the curriculum of a university belonging to an Autonomous Community. And these languages, depending on the scope (mother tongue, second language and English as a foreign language), are the vehicle of communication within and outside the classroom.
The English language is already included as a content to start working on the stage of 3-6 years. The different subjects that make up this module have been designed to respond to conditions which are considered fundamental:
-The mastery of theoretical knowledge and communication skills, oral and written, to achieve the academic standards stated for university graduates.
-The knowledge and mastery of teaching strategies and resources for teaching and learning these languages in the degree.
-A capacity of oral and written interaction to cope with different communicative situations that may arise in educational and professional contexts.
Subjects that make up the module:
-Catalan language and its teaching (compulsory). 1 1S
-Spanish language: communication strategies (compulsory) 4 1S
-Language skills for pre-school education (compulsory) 2 2S
-Universal and Catalan literature for children education (compulsory) 4 1S
-The language in the pre-school classroom: the pleasure of reading and writing (compulsory) 1 2S
Electives: choose two of the following 3-credit electives.
-Learning languages in a multilingual context 1 2S
-English: formal and communicative aspects 1 2S
-Language and English literature for children 1 2S
-English Language and culture 1 2S

Relación con otras materias que no pertenecen al módulo

The contents work and knowledge acquired studying the subject English Language and Literature for Children are complementary to other subjects in the Degree of Pre-School Education.

Relación con el perfil de la profesión

English language and literature for children is an important subject in the overall education of students in kindergarten, not only for the language development and creativity, but also as the beginning of the creative writing. This subject also develops students’ research, reading and listening comprehension, writing,pronunciation and conversation skills.

Conocimientos previos necesarios

All the lectures will be taught in English, therefore, students should have a B2 level of English according to the European Framework of Languages.


Competencias Generales del CESAG que la asignatura/materia contribuye a adquirir

CG1.- Understand and communicate in an effective manner, both in their mother tongue and in another language.
CG4.- Monitor, analyze and process relevant information.
CG5.- Identify problems and possible solutions.
CG7.- Apply the knowledge acquired.
CG8.- Work in teams.
CG10.- Know and respect diversity and multiculturalism.
CG12.- Learning to learn.

Competencias específicas de la titulación que la asignatura/materia contribuye a adquirir

C1.- Develop a positive professional self-concept and reflect on their skills and limitations.
C13.- Analyze and develop the objectives, contents and assessment criteria of early childhood education.
C18.- Identify the evolution and development of language in early childhood.
C19.- Deal with language learning in multicultural and multilingual contexts.
C21.- Develop communication techniques and strategies.
C22.- Communicate fluently and master the use of different expression techniques.
C24.- Design, organize and evaluate different learning styles taking into account different skills, gender
equality, educational needs and respect for human rights.
C25.- Design, organize and evaluate the learning process from a global perspective integrating cognitive, emotional, psychomotor, social and expressive aspects.
C27.- Promote and value creativity.
C29.- Acquire strategies for independent and collaborative learning.


-Understand and develop the objectives and contents in the curriculum of pre-school education.
-Know and master communication strategies and techniques.
-Master the use of oral and written techniques of expression.
-Design activities to achieve a communicative competence in the foreign language.
-Know, promote and value creativity and critical thinking.
-Understand and promote the acquisition of strategies for independent learning.
-Reflect and research on education in order to improve the teaching process and promote innovative projects.


The course contents will be divided into two main sections, as can be seen below.
Thematic Content
4.1 Use of Language

4.2 ESL Materials, Resources and Teaching Ideas.

4.3 Literature
4.4.1 English at the first stages of education.
4.3.2 Literature for children: A historical overview.
4.3.3 Nursery rhymes, chants, finger plays and songs.
4.3.4 Storytelling Teaching English through literature. Storytelling techniques. Selecting, creating and adapting stories.


Modalidades organizativas
Interacción profesor-estudiante (Presencial/on-line) Centradas en el profesor Theory Lessons/ Practical classes
Centradas en el estudiante Work on projects/Work on evaluative activities
Trabajo autónomo del estudiante (No presencial) Estudio y trabajo individual Study theory/ Work on projects/ Work on evaluative activities
Estudio y trabajo en grupo Work on projects/ Work on evaluative activities

Cronograma semanal
Descarga el cronograma


Estrategias evaluativas

Assessment Criteria
Continuous Assessment
The main method of evaluation will be continuous assessment through the collection of information provided by different means listed below:
Regular attendance, interest and participation in the seminars.
Completion and reflection on individual tasks.
Progress in the English language.
Presentations in class.
Collaboration with classmates in group activities.
Successful completion of one exam along the academic semester.

Continuous work 20%
Completion of the assigned activities (exercises, compositions and oral presentations)
Accurate correction of the activities.
Reading activities for the seminars.
Self-assessment of the learning process.

Communicative Competence 30%
Compulsory attendance in group work sessions (seminars and presentations).
Clear structure in oral presentations.
Originality and creativity.

Final written test 50%
Proficiency in foreign language: correct expression, cohesion and good command of English B1 level.
To pass the subject, the student must obtain at least half of the points established in each assessment tool.
Marks will only be kept during the academic year.

Spelling and grammar errors will affect the rating assessment tools.
Plagiarism will be penalized with a zero (0) in the module mark.
Failure to attend class (80% required) will affect the final grade.
Compulsory attendance to seminars and oral presentations (both in group work sessions and peers’
If a student fails to hand in an assignment or to show up on the date and at the time established by the lecturer for any activity which is part of the student’s assessment programme, they will receive a 0 (zero) grade for this activity.
Mobile phones and other electronic devices are NOT allowed in the classroom. Laptops are acceptable ONLY if used for purposes related to classroom activity.
Those students, who have difficulty in attending class and have the requirements (according to the academic Act 46), should contact the professor to state the conditions of continuous assessment within a maximum period of 30 days from the beginning of the course. These students will have a different final test but the same workload as those of continuous assessment.

Resultados de aprendizaje

– Improve linguistic and communicative competence to teach English as a foreign language.
– Improve communication skills in storytelling: pronunciation, intonation, body language.
– Select and adapt stories to design and develop activities.
– Apply knowledge and critical reflection on the development and selection of activities related to storytelling.
– Analyze materials and resources for teaching English.

Instrumentos de evaluación y su peso en la calificación

Instrumento Peso en la
calificación (%)
Mínimos Carácter

Continuous Work
– All writings must be typed and submitted in due time.
– Activities correction.
– Reading activities for the seminars.
– Self-assessment in the learning process.
The dossier will be assessed in class during the semester.

20%10%This assessment tool cannot be retaken

Communicative Competence 30%
– Proficiency in foreign language communication.
– Clear and coherent structure.
– Originality and creativity.
A tutorial session before the presentation day is compulsory for all students. If the student fails this part, s/he can still obtain the minimum standards in September.

30%15%This assessment tool can be retaken

Final written exam 50%
– Proficiency in foreign language communication B1.
– Contents of the subject.
To pass the final exam the student has to pass both parts separately.

50%25%This assessment tool can be retaken

Mecanismos de seguimiento de la materia/asignatura

The students’ regular attendance (80% compulsory), class participation and task completion will be controlled and evaluated by means of classroom observation and continuous evaluation techniques.


Bibliografía básica

Coe, Norman. Grammar Spectrum 3. English rules and practice. Intermediate level, with answers. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Eastwood, John. Oxford Practice Grammar. Intermediate level, with answers, CD-ROM. Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress, 1999.
Moon, Jayne. Children Learning English. Oxford: Macmillan-Heinemann, 2004.
Murphy, Raymond. English Grammar in Use. A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English. Ed with answers and CD-ROM. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Bibliografía complementaria

Lewis,G. Games for Children. Oxford University Press, 2003.
Phillips,S.  Young Learners. Oxford University Press,2003.
Slattery, M.&Willis,J. English for Primary Teachers. Oxford University Press, 2003.
Wessels,Ch. Drama. Oxford, 2000.
Wright,A. Storytelling with Children. Oxford, 1995.

Otros recursos